
A lightweight companion library to the greensock animation platform, mkr delivers a 100% javascript method of content creation

What is mkr?

mkr(/ˈmākər/) was originally designed for the development of digital advertisements and other simple animation projects where laying out and styling content in traditional markup can have a huge impact on tight timelines.

Time Saver

mkr streamlines the build process by eliminating the need to manage markup and styles in html and css.

Pure JS

mkr works to facilitate the management and creation of html and svg content and styles with javascript.

Strong signals

Under the hood, mkr's event model is powered by js-signals to ensure that listeners stay in scope.

Right on target

In addition to object instances, several of mkr's methods also accept arrays and css selector strings as the target parameter.

Quick equip

mkr's simple and intuitive API makes it easy to get up and running quickly.


mkr uses the greensock animation platform to apply properties, styles, and attributes.



Get Started


    //start by creating a new mkr instance
    var m = new mkr();

    //...with options. mkr uses GSAP's TweenMax behind the scenes
    //for property assignment Element properties passed to the 
    //contructor are applied to the instances container
    var m = new mkr({
        css:{width:300, height:600, background:'antiquewhite'}

Adding elements

    //The .create method is for creating elements.
    //Just provide the element tag name and options
    m.create('div', {
        attr:{id:'redBox', class:'box'},
        css:{width:100, height:100, background:'red'}

    m.create('div', {
        attr:{id:'greenBox', class:'box'}, 
        css:{x:0, y:200, width:100, height:100, background:'green'}

    //.create returns a reference to the new element...
    var blue = m.create('div', {
        attr:{id:'blueBox', class:'box'}, 
        css:{x:100, y:100, width:100, height:100, background:'blue'}

    //...which can be passed as the optional 3rd argument
    //of .create to have the new object added
    //to it instead of the instances container
    m.create('p', {
        text:'Hello, world.', //requires GSAP TextPlugin to be effective
        css:{textAlign:'center', color:'white'}
    }, blue);

    //.create's third argument can also be a css selector
    m.create('p', {
        text:'Hello again!',
        css:{y:50, textAlign:'center', color:'white'}
    }, '#blueBox');


Event Management

    //event management with mkr is easy!
    //Define some event handlers
    function redHandler(e) {
    function greenHandler(e) {
    function blueHandler(e) {
    function omniHandler(e) {

    //mkr's static mkr.on function is for adding persistent listeners
    mkr.on(blue, 'click', blueHandler);

    //mkr sets the listener context to the target object by default, this can be
    //overridden bye passing a fourth argument to .on or .once
    mkr.on('#greenBox', 'click', greenHandler, blue);

    //mkr.once adds a listener that removes itself after its first trigger
    mkr.once('#redBox', 'click', redHandler);
    mkr.once('#redBox', 'click', function() {
        console.log('mkr.once works very well with anonymous callbacks!');

    //get a reference any object with selectors
    var red = mkr.query('#redBox');
    var green = mkr.query('#greenBox');

    //Note that you can pass a css selector string or
    //array to the target argument of mkr's event functions
    //to attach/detach a listener to multiple objects
    mkr.on([blue, red, green], 'click', omniHandler);

    // is for removing listeners., 'click', greenHandler);

    //oh wait, that didn't work! If  a listener context is overriden
    //it must be provided to .off to successfuly remove it!, 'click', greenHandler, blue);

    //Note that the below line of code
    //removes omniHandler from the red, green and blue boxes since they
    //each have the 'box' class'.box', 'click', omniHandler);

    //dropping the listener arg removes all click listeners from targets'.box', 'click');

    //dropping the listener AND type arguments removes
    //all listeners of any type from targets'.box');

    //mkr.clearListeners removes any and all listeners managed by mkr


    //every mkr is created with a TimelineMax instance. pass properties
    //to it by supplying a 'tmln' field of the construction options.
    var m2 = new mkr({
        tmln:{paused:true, repeat:2},
        css:{x:300, width:300, height:600, background:'#17baef'}

    m2.create('img', {attr:{class:'beta', src:"beta-box.png"},   css:{alpha:0, x:75, y:10}});
    m2.create('img', {attr:{class:'beta', src:"beta-cloud.png"}, css:{alpha:0, x:75, y:110}});
    m2.create('img', {attr:{class:'beta', src:"beta-king.png"},  css:{alpha:0, x:75, y:260}});
    m2.create('img', {attr:{class:'beta', src:"beta-mail.png"},  css:{alpha:0, x:75, y:430}});
    m2.create('img', {attr:{class:'beta', src:"beta-pencil.png"}, css:{alpha:0, x:105, y:200}});

    m2.tmln.staggerTo('.beta', .5, {alpha:1, yoyo:true, repeat:1}, .5);;



mkr is developed and maintained by Christopher C. Moody and is 100% FREE under the MIT License

If you'd like to show your support, drop me a link to something cool you've built with mkr!


I hope mkr finds a place in your digital toolbox!
If you have questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch!

What the what?

I am a full-stack developer based in North Carolina. I build interactive kiosks, responsive websites, panels, touch experiences, server applications, the list goes on and on...

I also make video games! Check out Beta!

I stay busy, but am always open to hearing about new opportunities!

Christopher C. Moody
Full Stack Developer

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