Class: arc


A customizable and animatable SVG arc

new arc(options){arc}

Initializes a new arc instance.
Name Type Description
options Object Options used to customize the arc
Name Type Default Description
parent * optional SVGElement which to append the arc's path element
id String optional The id of the instance. Auto-generated when not provided
rx Number 50 optional The x-axis radius of the arc
ry Number 50 optional The y-axis radius of the arc
r Number optional Use this option to create a circular, an arc that uses the same value for both rx and ry
cx Number this.rx optional The center of the arc along the x-axis
cy Number this.ry optional The center of the arc along the y-axis
start Number 0 optional The starting point of the arc along its circle in degrees
length Number 0 optional The length of the arc along in degrees
rotation Number 0 optional The rotation of the arc in degrees
sweepFlag Number 0 optional The sweepFlag value used in the svg drawing command to produce the arc
fill String 'transparent' optional The arc's fill color.
stroke String '#000000' optional The arc's stroke color.
strokeWidth String 1 optional The arc's stroke-width.
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the arc's path element.
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the arc's path element.
Name Type Default Description
class String 'arc-path' optional Class string applied to the path element.
Type Description
arc A new arc instance.




The svg drawing calculated based on the prperties of this instance


The center of the arc along the x-axis


The center of the arc along the y-axis


The stroke-dasharray of the path


The stroke-dashoffset of the path


The path element associated with this instance


The ending point of the arc along its circle in degrees


The arc's fill color


The id of this instance's path element


The largeArcFlag value used by the svg drawing command to produce the arc


The length of the arc in degrees


The parent of the path element


The radius of the arc


The rotation of the arc in degrees


The x-axis radius of the arc


The y-axis radius of the arc


Control how much of the path's stroke is drawn. Space-delimited values define a slice, ie '10 30'. A single value asserts 0 as the starting value. Accepts percentages for relative values


The starting point of the arc along its circle in degrees


The arc's stroke color


The arc's stroke width


The sweepFlag value used by the svg drawing command to produce the arc


staticarc.calculatePath(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, length, sweepFlag){String}

Returns the svg drawing command to produce the specified
Name Type Description
cx Number The center of the arc along the x-axis
cy Number The center of the arc along the y-axis
rx Number The x-axis radius of the arc
ry Number The y-axis radius of the arc
start Number The starting point of the arc along its circle in degrees
length Number The length of the arc in degrees
sweepFlag Number The sweepFlag value used in the calculated svg drawing command
Type Description
String The svg drawing command


The provided value flattened in the range of 0-360
Name Type Description
value Number The value to flatten
Type Description
Number The flattened value


returns the arc instance associated with the provided element's id attribute
Name Type Description
el Element The element with the lookup id
Type Description
arc The associate arc, if it exists


returns the arc instance associated with the id
Name Type Description
id String The lookup id
Type Description
arc The associate arc, if it exists

calculatePath(cx, cy, rx, ry, start, length, sweepFlag){String}

Returns the svg drawing command to produce the specified
Name Type Description
cx Number The center of the arc along the x-axis
cy Number The center of the arc along the y-axis
rx Number The x-axis radius of the arc
ry Number The y-axis radius of the arc
start Number The starting point of the arc along its circle in degrees
length Number The length of the arc in degrees
sweepFlag Number The sweepFlag value used in the calculated svg drawing command
Type Description
String The svg drawing command