Class: mkr


Lightweight library focused on javascript-based content creation

new mkr(options){mkr}

Initializes a new mkr instance.
  • creates a div container, and appends it to the specified parent. @see container
  • creates a TimelineMax instance
Name Type Description
options Object A set of attributes and css properties used to create the container. A few special properties are documented below.
Name Type Default Description
parent Element document.body optional Element the mkr instance container is appended to
preload Boolean false optional When true, delays loading img elements until the instance's load function in called
revealKey String 'isi' optional Optional dom id and URL query param for screen capture
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the container element.
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the container element.
Name Type Default Description
class String 'mkr-container' optional Class string applied to the container element. Applied classes will always include 'mkr-container'
tmln Object optional options passed to the built-in TimelineMax instance.
Type Description
mkr A new mkr instance.




Default css and attributes applied to HTMLElements and SVGs. Set keys to change defaults settings for created elements
Name Type Argument Default Description
force3d Boolean <optional>
true force3d true for all elements by default, Smooths transforms.
attr Object <optional>
{} attributes applied to all created elements
css Object <optional>
{} styles applied to all created elements
Name Type Argument Default Description
position String <optional>
'absolute' All elements created my mkr are positioned absolutely by default


Mathematical constant for converting radians to degrees


Mathematical constant for converting degrees to radians


mkr's dynamic stylesheet rules.


mkr's dynamic stylesheet. Used by mkr.addRule


the default container element used to hold all elements added to/created by the mkr instance


pixel width of this mkr's container


internal id of this mkr instance


reference to this mkr's built-in TimelineMax instance


pixel height of this mkr's container


staticmkr.add(target, parent, index){*}

Adds an existing element to the specified parent
Name Type Default Description
target * A single element, array of elements, or a css selector string.
parent Element document.body optional The ancestor element to search. Defaults to the document object
index int optional Insertion index of the target. Defaults to the number of children. When negative, becomes the sum of itself and the number of children
Type Description
* The added element, or array of elements

staticmkr.addRule(selector, styles, index){int}

Adds a CSS rule to mkr's global stylesheet.
Name Type Description
selector String A selector string, that the rule should target
styles Object The styles to add to the new rule
index int optional The index at which to insert the rule.
Type Description
int The index of the newly inserted rule

staticmkr.angle(x1, y1, x2, y2){Number}

Calculates the angle(in degrees) between two points
Name Type Description
x1 Number The x-coordinate of the first point
y1 Number The y-coordinate of the first point
x2 Number The x-coordinate of the second point
y2 Number The y-coordinate of the second point
Type Description
Number The angle(in degrees) between the two points


Removes all listeners managed by mkr across all mkr instances. Its a good idea to be sure that you want to do this.

staticmkr.clone(target, options, cloneOpts, parent, index){*}

clone a dom element using cloneNode and apply with optional params
Name Type Default Description
target * A selector string, Array, or element
options Object optional A set of attributes and css properties used to create the element
Name Type Description
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the new object
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the new object
cloneOpts Object optional Options used to fine-tune the behavior of the clone operation
Name Type Default Description
children Boolean true optional Whether children should also be cloned(sets cloneNodes deep parameter)
parent * null optional The element which to append the new element. Can be an element or a css selector string
index int optional Insertion index of the clones. Defaults to the end.
Type Description
* The added element, or array of elements

staticmkr.construct(type, options, parent){*}

Creates a new instance of a mkr construct
Name Type Description
type String The type of construct to create.
options Object optional A set of attributes, css, and other properties used to create the construct
Name Type Description
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the new construct.
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the new construct.
parent * optional The element to append the new construct. Can be an element or a css selector string
Type Description
* The new construct


Copies an object. This utility method should only be used on objects holding primitive values!
Name Type Description
src Object The object to copy
Type Description
Object The copy

staticmkr.create(type, options, parent, index){Element}

Creates a new html element
Name Type Default Description
type String The type of element to create.
options Object optional A set of attributes and css properties used to create the element
Name Type Description
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the new object.
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the new object.
parent * null optional The element which to append the new element. Can be an element or a css selector string
index int optional Insertion index of the new element. Defaults to the end.
Type Description
Element The new element

staticmkr.default(value, value){*}

Examines provided value and returns the fallback if it is undefined
Name Type Description
value String The value to examine
value String The fallback value
Type Description
* returns value or the fallback if it is undefined


Delete the CSS rule at the specified index.
Name Type Description
index int optional The index the rule to remove.

staticmkr.distance(x1, y1, x2, y2){Number}

Calculates the distance between two points
Name Type Description
x1 Number The x-coordinate of the first point
y1 Number The y-coordinate of the first point
x2 Number The x-coordinate of the second point
y2 Number The y-coordinate of the second point
Type Description
Number The distance between the two points

staticmkr.each(target, callback, context)

Executes the provided function for each target object
Name Type Description
target * An single element, array of elements, or a css selector string.
callback * Function to execute for each object
context Object optional Context on which the callback is executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside callback function)


shortcut for creating class extensions using protoypal inheritance
Name Type Description
baseObj Object The object to be extended
Type Description


Traverses mkr's stylesheet and returns the index of the first rule to match the selector. Returns -1 if the rule is not found.
Name Type Description
selector String Selector used to search the stylesheet
Type Description
int index - The index of the rule or -1 if not found.

staticmkr.fix(n, decimals){int}

Formats a number to the provided number of decimal places
Name Type Default Description
n Number The number to fix
decimals Number 3 optional The number of decimal places
Type Description
int An array of drawing commands.

staticmkr.getDefault(target, key, value){*}

Returns target[key] or value if target[key] has not be defined
Name Type Description
target Object The target of this operation
key String The name of the property being set
value String The value to set
Type Description
* target[key] or value if target[key] has not be defined


Alias for CSSRulePlugin.getRule. Returns the CSSRules that match the provided selector
Name Type Description
selector String A selector string by which to select rules
Type Description
CSSStyleDeclaration - The matched rule(s)

staticmkr.hasClass(target, className)

Tests whether the target element has the indicated class assigned
Name Type Description
target * An single element, or a css selector string.
className String A string representing the class to search for.

staticmkr.makeDC(width, height, options){mkr}

Factory method for quickly creating creatives that conform to DCS standards. Differs from the standard constructor in that it adds a border to the container, and sets a few default properties documented below.
Name Type Description
width Number The width of the creative
height Number The height of the creative
options Object A set of attributes and css properties used to create the container. A few special properties and default values are documented below.
Name Type Default Description
parent Element document.body optional Element the mkr instance container is appended to
preload Boolean false optional When true, delays loading img elements until the instance's load function in called
revealKey String 'isi' optional Optional dom id and URL query param for screen capture
border Object optional A set of attributes and css properties used to create the border
Name Type Description
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the border element.
Name Type Default Description
class String 'mkr.border' optional Class string applied to the border element. Applied classes will always include 'mkr-border'
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the border element.
Name Type Default Description
left Number 0 optional CSS left property
top Number 0 optional CSS top property
zIndex int 10 optional CSS z-index property
borderWidth String '1px' optional CSS border-width property
borderStyle String 'solid' optional CSS border-style property
borderColor String '#666666' optional CSS border-color
pointerEvents String 'none' optional CSS pointer-events
width Number width optional CSS width
height Number height optional CSS height
Type Description
mkr The new mkr instance

staticmkr.merge(src, merger, overwrite){Object}

Merges one object into another, optionally overwriting overlapping keys. This utility method should only be used on objects holding primitive values!
Name Type Default Description
src Object the source object
merger Object The styles to set of the matched rules
overwrite Boolean false optional Whether to overwrite overlapping values
Type Description
Object The resulting merge, type, callback, context)

Remove listeners from one or many objects. Behaves differently depending on the number of passed arguments. - 3+ arguments: Only removes the specified listener from the target ^ - First 2 arguments only: Removes all listeners of provdied event type - First argument only: Removes all listeners from the target
Name Type Description
target * An single element, array of elements, or a css selector string.
type String optional The event type. Excluding this this argument removes all listeners from the target regardless of type.
callback function optional The callback to remove. Excluding this argument removes all listeners of the specified from the target
context Object optional Context on which the callback is executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside callback function)

staticmkr.on(target, type, callback, context, priority)

Add a listener to one or many objects
Name Type Default Description
target * An single element, array of elements, or a css selector string.
type String A string representing the type of event the listener is associated with
callback function The function to be executed when the associated event is fired
context Object optional Context on which the callback is executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside callback function)
priority Number 0 optional Affects callback execution order. Higher priority listeners are executed before those with lower priority. Listeners of the same priority are executed in order of insertion

staticmkr.once(target, type, callback, context, priority)

Add a listener to one or many objects that only executes once per object
Name Type Default Description
target * An single element, array of elements, or a css selector string.
type String A string representing the type of event the listener is associated with
callback function The function to be executed when the associated event is fired
context Object optional Context on which the callback is executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside callback function)
priority Number 0 optional Affects callback execution order. Higher priority listeners are executed before those with lower priority. Listeners of the same priority are executed in order of insertion

staticmkr.query(selectors, baseElement){Element}

Returns the first element within the baseElement that matches the specified selectors. element.querySelector(selectors) shortcut
Name Type Default Description
selectors String A string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas.
baseElement Element document optional The ancestor element to search. Defaults to the document object
Type Description
Element The first element within the baseElement that matches the specified selectors.

staticmkr.queryAll(selectors, baseElement){NodeList}

Returns a NodeList of all elements within the baseElement that match the specified selectors. element.querySelectorAll(selectors) shortcut
Name Type Default Description
selectors String A string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas.
baseElement Element document optional The ancestor element to search. Defaults to the document object
Type Description
NodeList A NodeList of all elements within the baseElement that match the specified selectors.

staticmkr.randomRange(min, max){Number}

returns a random number between the supplied min and max values
Name Type Description
min Number The minimum value
max Number The maximum value
Type Description
Number A random number between the supplied min and max values


Removes an existing element from the DOM
Name Type Description
target * A single element, array of elements, or a css selector string.
Type Description
Element The removed element, or array of elements


Traverses mkr's stylesheet and removes first rule to match the selector.
Name Type Description
selector String The selector text of the rule to remove.

staticmkr.reveal(target, options, parentOpts)

shortcut for revealing scrollable content.
Name Type Description
target * A selector string, Array, or element
options Object optional An optional set of attributes and css properties applied to the target
parentOpts Object optional An optional set of attributes and css properties applied to every parent of the target

staticmkr.rotation(x1, y1, x2, y2){Number}

Calculates the angle(in radians) between two points
Name Type Description
x1 Number The x-coordinate of the first point
y1 Number The y-coordinate of the first point
x2 Number The x-coordinate of the second point
y2 Number The y-coordinate of the second point
Type Description
Number The angle(in radians) between the two points

staticmkr.scroll(target, speed, options){Array}

Tweens the scrollable area of targets at the specified speed in px/s. Can target multiple objects
Name Type Default Description
target * A selector string, Array, or element
speed Number 14 optional The speed of the tween in px/s
options Object optional Additional properties passed to the tween
Type Description
Array An array of tweens created to facilitate the animation

staticmkr.setDefault(target, key, value){*}

Sets the the value of target[key] to value if key has not already been assigned
Name Type Description
target Object The target of this operation
key String The name of the property being set
value String The value to set
Type Description
* The value of target[key]

staticmkr.setPolyPath(target, points, unit)

Shortcut method for dynamically setting the target's clipPath using the polygon func. Useful for animating clipath arrays
Name Type Default Description
target Element Target for clipPath
points Array Array of points to be used as the clipPath
unit unit % optional The unit of measure to be used in the clipPath

staticmkr.setRule(selector, styles)

Updates the matched CSSRules with the provided styles
Name Type Description
selector String A selector string, that the rule should target
styles Object The styles to set of the matched rules


Evaluates the provided value and returns the unit suffix it implements
Name Type Description
value * The value to evaluate
Type Description
String The unit suffix

staticmkr.unitize(value, unit, override){String}

Evaluates the provided value and returns a string appended with the unit suffix
Name Type Default Description
value * The value to evaluate
unit String 'px' optional The unit suffix to append
override Boolean true optional Whether to replace an existing unit suffix
Type Description
String The provided value appended with the unit suffix


Evaluates the provided value and returns a number without a unit suffix
Name Type Description
value * The value to evaluate
Type Description
Number The numerical value without the unit suffix

batch(type, options, num, parent){Array}

Creates a specified number of elements with the same parameters
Name Type Description
type String The type of element to create.
options Object optional A set of attributes and css properties used to create the elements
num Number The number of elements to produce
parent * optional The element to append the new elements. Can be an element or a css selector string
Type Description
Array An array containing the new elements

clone(target, options, cloneOpts, parent, index){*}

clone a dom element using cloneNode and apply with optional params
Name Type Default Description
target * A selector string, Array, or element
options Object optional A set of attributes and css properties used to create the element
Name Type Description
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the new object
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the new object
cloneOpts Object optional Options used to fine-tune the behavior of the clone operation
Name Type Default Description
children Boolean true optional Whether children should also be cloned(sets cloneNodes deep parameter)
parent * this.container optional The element which to append the new element. Can be an element or a css selector string
index int optional Insertion index of the clones. Defaults to the end.
Type Description
* The added element, or array of elements

construct(type, options, parent){*}

Creates a new instance of a mkr construct
Name Type Default Description
type String The type of construct to create.
options Object optional A set of attributes, css, and other properties used to create the construct
Name Type Description
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the new construct.
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the new construct.
parent * this.container optional The element to append the new construct. Can be an element or a css selector string
Type Description
* The new construct

create(type, options, parent, index){Element}

Creates a new html element
Name Type Default Description
type String The type of element to create.
options Object optional A set of attributes and css properties used to create the element
Name Type Description
css Object optional CSS properties to apply to the new element.
attr Object optional Attributes to apply to the new element.
parent * this.container optional The element which to append the new element. Can be an element or a css selector string
index int optional Insertion index of the new element. Defaults to the end.
Type Description
Element The new element


Kills this mkr's tweens, child tweens, and timeline. Removes all listeners and removes the container from the DOM

load(callback, context)

When preloading is enabled, this function begins loading the instances img tags
Name Type Description
callback function A callback function to call once loading is complete
context Object optional Context on which the callback is executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside callback function)